craniosacral massage

With over 20 years of experience in varying modalities of massage, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of craniosacral massage.

Your massage will begin with craniosacral massage to allow me to intuitively connect to your body and what it needs, creating space for you to relax, land on the table, and for your body to prepare to receive healing touch.

Craniosacral massage is light touch work with a deep impact!

If you’re used to deep tissue massage, craniosacral massage can feel like there’s nothing happening, but it’s quite the opposite. Slowing down, tuning in, and letting your nervous system access relaxation and rest.

Benefits include:

  • reduction in headaches, pain in back, neck, hips, and jaw.

  • support of digestive issues like IBS, constipation, and diarrhea.

  • symptom support for anxiety, depression, and detachment from body/self.

  • decrease in stress and tension held in the body, and increase in the ability to relax.

  • nervous system shifts away from fight/flight, towards rest, connection, and healing.